Fostering Synergy for the Future of Digital Health
– Insights from Industry Innovators
Digital health technologies are becoming increasingly pervasive, transforming sensor data collected in the wild into clinically actionable information. In this panel, we will discuss a range of critical topics related to digital health technologies with industry leaders who are actively harnessing these state-of-the-art advancements, either as frontrunners in the market or by bringing them to the commercial forefront. We will learn about their journeys, highlight how collaborations between academia and industry can accelerate progress, and explore the future direction of our rapidly growing field.

Melissa Ceruolo, VP Engineering & Biomarker Analytics, Medidata
Melissa Ceruolo leads digital biomarker discovery with over 20 years of experience in medical device development. Her role in Medidata’s Sensor Cloud is to convert physiological data from connected devices into meaningful outputs that can serve as endpoints in clinical research. With expertise in devices and data, Melissa guides the industry in device selection for remote monitoring and protocol design. Melissa holds a MS in Engineering Management from MIT and BS in Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

Jordan Brayanov, Head, Digital Strategy, Takeda.
Jordan Brayanov, PhD is the Head of Digital Strategy within the Data Sciences Institute at Takeda. In this role, he oversees the strategic development and deployment of Digital Health Solutions and oversees the design and implementation of Decentralized Clinical Trials within clinical programs across Takeda R&D. Prior to joining Takeda, Jordan served as Vice President of Research at Respiratory Motion — a leader in respiratory volume monitoring. His experience and research focus are on the design, development, and deployment of patient-centric tools and measurement equipment, advanced data modeling, and data visualization. Jordan holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from Harvard, as well as a MS in Mechanical Engineering along with dual BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

Kelley Erb
Kelley Erb, PhD, has over 13 years of experience in the medical device and biotech industries. At Biogen Digital Health, he led the science strategy for developing, validating, and delivering a portfolio of novel endpoints based on digital health technology for the neuromuscular disease clinical development unit. Before joining Biogen, he was a digital medicine project lead at Pfizer, led product development and clinical study design and execution at an early medical device venture, and worked as an engineer in the defense industry. Kelley holds a BS in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University and a PhD in Anatomy and Neurobiology from the Boston University School of Medicine.

Ashkan Vaziri, Ph.D., CEO and Founder, BioSensics
Dr. Vaziri is a Founder and CEO of BioSensics, an FDA-registered medical device company focused on the development of wearable sensor and digital health technologies for clinical trials and research. Dr. Vaziri work presents a unique combination of academic research, product development, and small business experience. He co-founded BioSensics in 2007, when he was a Research Associate and Lecturer at the Harvard School of Engineering. Till 2019, Dr. Vaziri was a tenured Professor of Engineering at Northeastern University, where his research was mainly focused on materials science, biomechanics, computational modeling and numerical simulations. Dr. Vaziri has authored 150+ journal papers and over 250+ conference proceedings with 10k+ citations (h-index=58), 6 issued/pending patents, and served as Principal Investigator on 25+ NIH/NSF-funded projects (totaling $50M+ of funding).