The program for BSN 2023 will feature workshops that serve to bring new and emerging areas of interest to the BSN community (i.e., sensors, systems, and algorithms for digital health). Each workshop may be delivered by a group of leading researchers and pioneers in their respective areas. The duration of a workshop is expected to be a half day (approximately 4 hours). A scientific committee will be established by the workshop organizers to ensure the quality of presentations and materials offered to the registrants. Please note that conference will feature two categories of workshops:
Regular workshops will cover current and future trends on multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of BSN, including but not limited to emerging trends on materials, sensors, wearable and implantable devices, integration of IoT technologies, development of online and offline algorithms and systems for data analytics and visualization, sensor biofeedback mechanisms, just-in-time interventions for behaviour change, data security, etc. Workshop organizers will establish a scientific review committee to review the presentations and materials offered to workshop registrants. Workshop submissions will be included in the digital program of BSN 2023 but will not appear in IEEE Xplore Proceedings. Regular workshops can be organized by a project consortium, bearing in mind that the content should sufficiently fit within the technical areas of BSN.
Tutorial workshops will provide reviews of a specific area related to body sensor networks (sensors and systems for digital health), including current research directions, challenges, and state-of-the-art practices, but may also involve registrants through a hands-on experience or demonstrations. Tutorials can be organized by a company, a group of companies or a group of leading researchers featuring presentations/papers/panels, which will not undergo review by the BSN 2023 TPC.
Prospective organizers of workshops should submit proposals indicating:
- Title of the workshop
- Motivation, indicating the novelty of the topic, relevance to BSN, and why it is timely
- Short biography of the organizers
- Structure, indicating the format of the workshop and identifying the inclusion of keynote speakers, panel, invited papers, technical sessions, etc.
- List of potential speakers. Workshop organizers should contact the speakers and secure their participation to the workshop.
Workshop proposals are to be filled out on the template and submitted through EDAS no later than the deadline (May 1, 2023). Their reception will be acknowledged. The acceptance is expected to be communicated in May 15, 2023.
Guidelines for Workshops
Selection Criteria for Proposals
The selection process of workshop proposals will be based on a set of criteria:
- Topic of the workshop, taking into account the scientific content, the timeliness of the topic, the level of expected audience.
- Background and credentials of the solicited speakers.
- Existence of competing proposals.
Workshop Promotion and Material for the Registrants
The workshop information (call for papers, program/speakers etc.) will be provided on a dedicated page of the web site and will be updated accordingly. Workshop registrants will be able to download any material provided by the workshop organizer(s) from the workshop website. workshop organizer(s) may provide additional materials such as handouts to the participants during the workshop.
Oral Presentation Timing
Each presenter will be allowed 12 minutes to present, followed by 3 minutes for Q&A.
Submitting Your Presentation
For Advance Submission:
Please make sure to upload all media files required for your presentation. Any necessary video or audio files should be embedded in your PowerPoint file. If your presentation contains any video or audio, please submit your files to the Speaker Ready Room AT LEAST 24 hours in advance, due to additional processing time that may be required. If you are using an older version of PowerPoint (older than Office 2010) please visit the speaker ready room M3 located on site at the SEC (Scottish Event Campus) Meeting Academy on the First level. Although submitting in advance is not required, it is strongly encouraged.
For Online File Submission:
Make sure your presentation file is ready. It is critically important for files to be named using the following naming format:
For example, if John Smith was the first speaker in session WeAT21 his file would be named: WeAT21_1_Smith_John.pptx.
DO NOT submit a file that does not fit the naming guidelines, it is very likely that it will not be available for your use. Files uploaded with the same name will overwrite existing files so if you submit a file named “EMBC2022” or “EMBC Presentation” chance are extremely high that they will be lost.
Submit a Presentation Instructions
Choose the button for EMBC Presentation Uploader you will be prompted for username and password.
Username: EMBC2022
Password: 44Glasgow!
This will take you to the Upload page. Here you may either drag and drop your file in the upload box or browse for your file. You will see the progress of the upload under the box. When the ring is complete and a green check appears, your upload is complete. Any file uploads should be made at least an hour and 30 minutes prior to the start of your session.
Speaker Ready Room
All speakers should check in at the Speaker Ready Room, The M3, located on First Level of the Scottish Event Campus, preferably the day before your session to preview your presentation. If you are checking in on the day of your session, please come by at least an hour and 30 minutes prior to the start of your session. Technicians will assist with the upload of your files and provide the opportunity to preview and/or edit the presentation as necessary. If you are delayed, you must go directly to the Speaker Ready Room M3. Do not bring a laptop or other media device directly to the session room.
The Speaker Ready Room will be open during its operating hours:
Monday July 11, 2022 |
07:00 – 17:30 |
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 |
07:00 – 18:00 |
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 |
07:00 – 17:30 |
Thursday, July 14, 2022 |
07:00 – 17:30 |
Friday, July 15, 2022 |
07:00 – 12:00 |
When reviewing your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room, make sure all fonts, images, and animations appear as expected and that all audio or video clips are working properly. The computers in the meeting rooms are identical in configuration to the computers in the Speaker Ready Room.
Apple Mac computers will not be provided in any of the IEEE session rooms. If your presentation is created in Apple’s “Keynote” presentation software, please save your presentation in PDF format. Mac Users working in PowerPoint are advised to use True-Type fonts whenever possible to avoid formatting issues when viewing on a PC. Mac users must come to the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours prior to their talk, to ensure that the presentation is properly formatted to display on our presentation machines.
During Your Presentation:
A file download system will be active in each meeting room. At the beginning of each session, links will be available which will download and open each presentation. Once the presentation is launched, the speaker will control the program from the podium using a computer mouse or the up/down/right/left keys on a keyboard. Technicians will be available to assist with any needs.
Additional Information
Speakers are required to show registration badges in order to submit their presentation as well as to access it in the Speaker Ready Room. Recording devices such as cameras are not permitted in the Speaker Ready Room. All presentation files are deleted at the end of the conference unless permission has been granted to the conference association to retain the presentation files.
Computer Equipment:
The Speaker Ready Room and all meeting rooms will be equipped with Windows 10 based PCs with Latest MS Office and Adobe Reader DC installed. Verification of proper performance in the Speaker Ready Room is essential, particularly if video and animation is included in the presentation. Please note that Internet access will not be available during your presentation.
Session room PC’s will be provided with the following configuration:
- Processor: a minimum Core i7
- 4 GB RAM
- Minimum 1280 X 800 resolution at 24-bit color depth
- Microsoft Windows 10
- Microsoft Office (Latest Version)
- VLC (Latest Version)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Latest Version)
All electronic files must be submitted in the Speaker Ready room using one of the formats listed below:
- PowerPoint pptx
- Operating System: Media should be PC Formatted
- Video Playback: PPT player, VLC codec pack
- PDF Reader: Adobe Acrobat DC
The preferred aspect ratio of presentations, is 16:9 format
If you are using PowerPoint 2007 or older with linked media, you will need to supply those files along with your PowerPoint file in the Speaker Ready Room. It is recommended that where possible, any necessary video or audio files should be embedded in your PowerPoint file. If your presentation contains any video or audio, please submit your files to the Speaker Ready Room AT LEAST 24 hours in advance, due to additional processing time that may be required.
Some Helpful Hints:
- Embed your fonts! – This will greatly reduce chance of format troubles. – In PowerPoint: File > Options > Save – at the bottom you will see a checkbox to embed fonts, make sure it is checked! This only works for True Type and Open Type fonts; proprietary fonts will not embed.
- If you have media embedded in your PowerPoint, please run the Optimize Media Compatibility & Media Size and Performance (Compression) tools in PowerPoint. File > Info – if you have media in your presentation these two options will appear. They are very important tools to make sure your videos run smoothly.
- If you are a Prezi user, make a downloadable Prezi and upload the entire zip file as live Prezi presentations may not run on the day of the presentation. Here are instructions on how to create a downloadable Prezi.
- If you are using a PowerPoint version earlier than Office 2010 and are using video or sound files – your media files are linked to, not embedded in the ppt file – you will need to upload the separate files. Place the ppt file and the media files in one folder, zip the folder and upload the zip file. It is strongly recommended that you come to the Speaker Ready Room on site to upgrade these files to a newer PPT format with files embedded. Technicians will be on site to help.
- Apple Mac Users working in PowerPoint are advised to use True-Type fonts whenever possible and must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours in advance. Also, please bring a copy of your presentation in PDF format.
Even if you have submitted your presentation in advance, please plan to bring the latest version of your presentation to the meeting on one of the following media types as a safety backup for your talk.
- USB Flash Drive or Hard Drive (any brand that does not require drivers)
- CD+-RW and DVD+-RW (not recommended)
- SD Memory Card