Submission Instructions

Submission Instructions

All papers, abstracts, and workshop proposals should be submitted at EDAS website. Lead authors must visit the EDAS website and establish an account with a username and password.

If you do not have an EDAS login, create a new account. Note that it is very important that your name and affiliation associated with your EDAS account are correct and match the name and affiliation that will be listed on your paper. Please fill in the required fields and check the Privacy Policies box and click the Add Person button.

You will receive an e-mail containing your password. Your email address and the given password must later be used to access the system during the following steps, so be careful to remember it.

You can then return to the EDAS log-in page ( and change your assigned password to one that is easier to remember. To do this, click on the My Profile tab, and then click on Edit > Change password. Be sure to record your username, password, and EDAS identifier for later reference.