Panel: Research & Industry

How can we work together to get research off the shelf?

Thursday | Oct 17 | 8:30 – 10:00 AM


Jake Sunshine

Jake Sunshine is a physician and research scientist at the University of Washington and Google. He works on technology-based translational research at the intersection of computer science and public health. He is currently exploring ways to use commodity smart devices to lessen the burden of public health challenges.

Roozbeh Ghaffari

Roozbeh Ghaffari is the CEO and co-founder of Epicore Biosystems and is the Director of Translational Research in the Center for Biointegrated Electronics at Northwestern University. He has made major contributions in the fields of soft bioelectronics and wearable microfluidics. He is the former CTO of MC10, where he helped launch such disruptive wearable sensing platforms as the Biostamp and the MyUVPatch.

Steve Xu

Steve Xu is the CEO and co-founder of Sibel Health and the Director of Medical Research at the Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics at Northwestern University. He is a board-certified dermatologist and professor of engineering and pediatrics at Northwestern University and is an inventor on 15 pending/granted patents in the field of digital health medical devices. His work with Sibel Health has led to the launch of wearable sensors in over 20 countries.



Keynote: Transforming Smart Devices into Life-Saving Systems
Jake Sunshine


Keynote: Soft Wearable Systems with Integrated Microfluidics and Biosensors for Remote Hydration Management
Roozbeh Ghaffari


Panel Discussion
Jake Sunshine, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Steve Xu


(For keynote abstracts, see the Keynotes page)