Importance: IEEE BSN 2024 will accept regular 4-page technical papers, 1-page demo or poster abstracts, and 1-page clinical abstracts. Excellent papers (e.g., Best Paper Award candidates) will be invited to extend their works for rapid review and publication in partnering journal IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. See Contributors for more details.
IEEE BSN will bring together leaders and experts in academia, industry, healthcare, and non-profit organizations and provide a cross-disciplinary, highly selective, and single-track forum for cutting-edge research related to devices and sensors, hardware and software systems, predictive models, and data analytics in the healthcare/medical domains. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Novel digital health solutions (i.e., sensors and algorithms) for diagnosis, disease progress tracking, and self-management.
- Prototyping of novel in-body, on-body, and off-body sensors and systems for digital health, wellness, and sports.
- Conformable decoders: unintrusive, comfortable, self-powered sensors and systems.
- Flexible, stretchable, and imperceptible electronics for sensors and systems.
- Contact-less solutions for human sensing.
- Power-optimization for implantable and wearable sensors and systems.
- Wearable robotics system for digital healthcare.
- Signal processing, machine learning, deep learning, and decision-support algorithms.
- Adaptive, personalized intervention systems by closing the loop between technologies and humans.
- Security, privacy, and trust in digital health technologies.
- Inclusiveness, fairness, and equality for under-represented and under-served communities in digital health technologies and studies.
- Human-centered design for digital healthcare to address real-world stakeholder needs.
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