Prof. Giancarlo Fortino,
DIMES, University of Calabria, Italy g.fortino@unical.it
Dr. Raffaele Gravina
DIMES, University of Calabria, Italy r.gravina@dimes.unical.it
Wearable computing is a relatively new area of research and development that aims at supporting people in different application domains: health-care (monitoring assisted livings), fitness (monitoring athletes), social interactions (enabling multi-user activity recognition, e.g. handshake), videogames (enabling joystick-less interactions), factory (monitoring employees in their activity), etc. Wearable computing is based on wearable computing devices such as sensor nodes (e.g. to measure heart rate, temperature, blood oxygen, etc), common life objects (e.g. watch, belt, etc), smartphones/PDA. Wearable computing has been recently boosted by the introduction of body sensor networks (BSNs), i.e. networks of wireless wearable sensor nodes coordinated by more capable coordinators (smartphones, tablets, PCs). Although the basic elements (sensors, protocols, coordinators) of a BSN are available (already from a commercial point of view), developing BSN systems/applications is a complex task that requires design methods based on effective and efficient programming frameworks. In this tutorial, we will introduce programming approaches and methods to effectively develop (model, implement and deploy) efficient BSN systems/applications. Moreover, we also provide new techniques to integrate BSN-based wearable systems with more general Wireless Sensor Network systems and with Cloud computing as well as Platform-based Design Methodology for BSNs. From the practical viewpoint, the tutorial will be based on the SPINE project (http://spine.deis.unical.it), currently led by Prof. Fortino’s research group. Specifically, the tutorial will use the SPINE open-source framework to provide practical knowledge of hw/sw tools for the development of wearable computing systems (e.g. activity recognition systems, fall detection systems, mobile ECG processing systems, elbow/knee rehabilitation systems, etc.)
Giancarlo Fortino is a Professor of Computer Engineering at the Dept. of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and Systems (DIMES) of the University of Calabria (Unical), Rende (CS), Italy. He has a Ph. D. degree and Laurea (MSc+BSc) degree in Computer Engineering from Unical. He holds the Italian Scientific National Habilitation for Full Professorship and is High-end Foreign Expert of China, Adjunct Professor at the Wuhan University of Technology (China) and Senior Research Fellow at the Italian National Research Council – ICAR Institute. He has been also Visiting Researcher and Professor at the International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, USA) and at the Queensland University of Technology (Australia), respectively. His main research interests include agent-based computing, body area networks, wireless sensor networks, pervasive and cloud computing, multimedia networks and Internet of Things technology. He participated to many local, national and international research projects and currently is the deputy coordinator and STPM of the EU-funded H2020 INTER-IoT project. He authored over 300 publications in journals, conferences and books. He chaired more the 70 Int’l conferences/workshops as co-chair, organized more than 25 special issues in well-known ISI-impacted Int’l Journals, and participated in the TPC of over 350 conferences. He is the founding editor of the Springer Book Series on “Internet of Things: Technology, Communications and Computing”, and currently serves (as associate editor) in the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Access, Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Information Fusion. He is the recipient of the 2014 Andrew P. Sage SMC Transactions Paper award. He is co-founder and CEO of SenSysCal S.r.l., a spin-off of Unical, developing innovative IoT-based systems for e-health and domotics. He is IEEE Senior member, the Chair of the IEEE SMC Italian Chapter, and founding chair of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on “Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices”.
Raffaele Gravina (http://plasma.deis.unical.it/rg/index.html) received the PhD degree in computer engineering from the University of Calabria, Italy, in 2012.
He is currently serving as Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Calabria, Italy. He is the main designer of the SPINE Framework and responsible for the open-source contributions. He spent two years as researcher at the Telecom Italia WSN Lab at Berkeley, CA.
He participated to many local, national and international research projects, including Ad-Personas, BodyCloud and CONET FP7, and is currently involved in the EU-funded H2020 INTER-IoT project. He is co-founder of SenSysCal S.r.l. He is author of more than 50 papers in international journals, conferences, and books.
His research interests are focused on high-level programming methodologies and frameworks for WBSNs, Collaborative BSNs, BSN-Cloud Computing integration, pattern recognition on physiological signals, human activity recognition and motor rehabilitation assistance, ECG analysis for cardiac monitoring, emotion detection, and IoT interoperability.