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Abstract: Body-worn sensors promise to be sufficiently unobtrusive for everyday continuous long- term diet monitoring as well as informative for sustainable diet change. Investigations on body-worn sensors and related data analytics to monitor dietary behavior have recently gained wide interest in the BSN community. Already some start-up businesses are picking up early ideas. And still, we lack unobtrusive monitoring solutions that are ready for real-life everyday monitoring of relevant behavioral aspects related to food intake, including timing, food type, amount, and calories. Often it is more than the moment of intake alone that matters for dietary coaching and guiding the lifestyle changes needed to adjust diet. Beyond realizing sensors, integration, and data analysis algorithms, trustworthy evaluation methodologies that generalize onto free-living performance are needed. Recent developments towards smart garments and smart eyeglasses promise a substantial step forward.
Organization: This workshop aims at bringing together researchers and students actively developing dietary monitoring systems, practitioners, clinicians, and coaches requiring monitoring systems, and everyone interested in the topic. The workshop will feature presentations of technical systems, evaluation methodologies, opinion statements, as well as a live solution voting, a poster session, 45s-video contributions, and a panel discussion.
The workshop will run over a full day. The expected outcomes include a joint position paper of interested workshop participants for the IEEE J-BHI journal and joint research proposal addressing automatic dietary monitoring.
Invited speakers include (further invitations pending):
Dr. Jeanne de Vries, U Wageningen Prof. Gary Frost, Imperial College Dr. Daniele Ravi, Imperial College
Organiser bios:
Oliver Amft: Oliver Amft is a Full Professor directing the Chair of Sensor Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau, Germany. His main interest include unobtrusive sensor design, multi-modal context recognition, wearable computing and biomedical engineering. He has co-authored more than 150 refereed archival research publications. Oliver is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in ICT, on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (open access) and the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Benny Lo: Dr. Benny Lo is a Lecture of the Hamlyn Centre, and the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London. He also serves as an Manager Editor of the IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics, a Member of IEEE EMBS Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems Technical Committee , and a member of the management committee of the Centre for Pervasive Sensing. His current research focuses on pervasive sensing, Body Sensor Networks (BSN), and Wearable Robot and their applications in healthcare, sports and wellbeing.
Submission Information:
Poster submission and presentation guidelines: Please submit poster abstracts, max. 500 words in PDF to Oliver Amft: by April 9, 2017. Other poster and presentation guidelines are outlined on this website under the author’s tab.
Abstracts may include illustrations. Total file size may not exceed 2MB. Author notifications will be made by April 14, 2017. An author of each accepted poster is requested to attend the workshop and present the poster. Poster authors must handle poster printing themselves. Posters should be mounted in the workshop room in the morning of the workshop day and taken down at the end of the same day. The poster abstracts will not be published.
Oliver Amft, U Passau:
Benny Lo, Imperial College