
(formatted PDF version)


Tuesday, 14 June 

0800-0900 Registration and Continental Breakfast
Conference Room Foyer – 2nd floor

0900-1200  Morning Sessions

Hack-a-thon (0900+   continues all day)
Benny Lo/Imperial College and Intel
Conference Rooms 1&4 – 2nd floor

Ice House Challenge set up (by invitation only; three final teams);
Note:  contestants begin at 0800 h, Wednesday 15 June
U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Coast Guard and MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Amna Greaves (MIT LL), chair
Fisher Banquet Room – 1st floor

1200-1330  Lunch (provided onsite)
Conference Room Foyer – 2nd floor

1300-1700  Afternoon Session
Conference Room 3 – 2nd floor

4th Annual Workshop on Automated Sensor Based Mobility Analysis for Disease
Prevention and Treatment
Bjoern Eskofier and Jochen Klucken (FAU/Erlangen)


Wednesday, 15 June

0730-0830  Registration and Continental Breakfast
Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor

Welcome (Technical Chair, Mark Buller)
Robertson Auditorium I – 2nd floor

 0845-0930  (Introduction:  Karl Friedl)
Keynote Speaker:  Bjoern Eskofier, Ph.D, Digital Sports Group of the Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany
Smart shoes reach the clinic:  wearable sensor-based instrumented gait analysis in Parkinson’s Disease

0930-1030 (Session Chair:  Karl Friedl)
Session 1.  Novel SENSOR applications

 1 Sensor systems for monitoring fluid intake indirectly and directly  JF Kreutzer, J Deist, CM Hein, TC Leuth
2 Diet eyeglasses: Recognising food chewing using EMG and smart eyeglasses R Zhang, S Bernhart, O Amft
3 Gait Tracker Shoe for Accurate Step-by-step Determination of Gait Parameters Y Zhuang, J Gong, DC Kerrigan, BC Bennett, J Lach

1030-1100  AM COFFEE BREAK – Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor
POSTERS – Robertson Auditorium 2 & 3 – 2nd floor
(Presenters are asked to stand by their posters at this time)

1100-1145 (Session Chair:  TBD)

1 Using Collar-worn Sensors to Forecast Thermal Strain in Military Working Dogs JR Williamson, AR Hess, CJ Smalt, DM Sherrill, TF Quatieri, C O’Brien
2 Real-time Monitoring of the Horse-Rider Dyad Using Body Sensor Network Technology D Piette, T Norton, V Exadaktylos, D Berckmans
3 Towards a wearable system for continuous monitoring of sniffing and panting in dogs R Brugarolas, T Agcayazi, S Yuschak, DL Roberts, BL Sherman, A Bozkurt

1145-1230 (Introduction:  Mark Buller)
Keynote Speaker:  Doug Barton, MBA
IBM Analytics for Performance Management, Madison, Wisconsin
What can we learn from the toughest endurance bike race on earth? 

1230-1330   LUNCH (provided onsite)
Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor

1330-1500 (Session co-chairs:  Mark Buller and Hilde Teien)
Session 3.  Wearable sensor applications in extreme environments

1 Physiological monitoring in cold weather operations H Teien
2 Tracking body core temperature in military thermal environments:  an extended Kalman filter approach K-Y Seng, Y Chen, KMA Chai, T Wang, DCY Fun, YS Teo, PMS Tan, WH Ang, JKW Lee
3 On single sensor-based inertial navigation N Strozzi, F Parisi, G Ferrari
4 Inclined walking energetics:  body mass, loaded mass, and predictability LW Ludlow, PG Weyand
5 Monitoring thermal strain during recruit training T Wyss, B Veenstra, S Delves, M Buller

 1500-1530  PM COFFEE BREAK – Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor
POSTERS – Robertson Auditorium 2 & 3 – 2nd floor
(Presenters are asked to stand by their posters at this time)

1530-1615 (Introduction:  John Hixson)
Keynote Speaker:  Rosalind Picard, Sc.D
Affective Computing Research Group, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Connecting emotions, brain and behavior with wearables

1615-1800 (Session Chair:  John Hixson)
Session 4. Body sensor-based monitoring in chronic disease applications

 1 An integrated wearable robot for tremor suppression with context aware sensing D Huen, J Liu, B Lo
2 Active Implantable Sensor Powered by Ultrasounds With Application in Monitoring of Physiological Parameters for Soft Tissues BM Gil-Rosa, GZ Yang


3 On the use of wearable sensors to enhance motion intention detection for a contra laterally controlled FES system AF Ruiz-Olaya


4 Instantaneous P- and T-wave detection: assessment of three ECG fiducial points detection algorithms H Leutheuser, S Gradl, L Anneken, M Arnold, N Lang, S Achenback, BM Eskofier
5 Accurate gait analysis in post-stroke patients using a single inertial measurement unit F Parisi, G Ferrari, A Baricich, M D’Innocenzo, C Cisari, A Mauro

Fisher Auditorium – 1st floor 

End of Day 1, Technical Program


Thursday, 16 June

0730-0830  Registration and Continental Breakfast
Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor

0830-0900  (Introduction:  Peter Weyand)
Keynote Speaker:  Jim Glasheen, Ph.D
Technology Partners, Mill Valley, California
Wearables:  the bridge between the consumer and healthcare industries?
Robertson Auditorium I – 2nd floor

0900-1000  (Session Chair:  Peter Weyand)
Applications of commercially available wearable systems will be highlighted in presentations by three researchers and industry developers
Panel Presenters:  Anmol Sood (Equivital), Roozbeh Ghaffari (MC10), Jiang Li (VivaLnk)

1000-1030  AM COFFEE BREAK – Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor
POSTERS – Robertson Auditorium 2 & 3 – 2nd floor
(Poster Presenters stand by their posters at this time)

1030-1115 (Introduction:  Eric Yeatman)
Keynote Speaker:   Veena Misra, Ph.D
NSF Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Body-powered sensors:  the next generation of wearables 

1115-1200  (Session Chair:  Eric Yeatman)

 1 An energy-efficient and QoS-effective resource allocation scheme in WBANs Z Liu, B Liu, C Chen, CW Chen
2 Accurate personal ultraviolet dose estimation with multiple wearable sensors J Li, Y Liu, H Li, R Hua, CJ Xue, HG Lee, H Yang
3 Wearable alcohol monitoring device with auto-calibration ability for high chemical specificity Y Umasankar, AH Jalal, PJ Gonzalez, M Chowdhury, A Alfonso, S Bhansali 

1200-1300   LUNCH (provided onsite)
Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor

1300-1415  (Introduction:  Kong Chen)
Keynote Speaker:   David Klonoff, MD
Mills-Peninsula Health Services, Burlingame, California
Wearable sensors as game changers in chronic disease management:  achieving physiological homeostasis in diabetes
Robertson Auditorium I – 2nd floor

1415-1530 (Session Chair and Introductory Presentation:  Kong Chen)

1 Learning approach for classification of GENEActiv accelerometer data for unique activity identification A Dutta, O Ma, MP Buman, DW Bliss
2 A double-layer automatic orientation correction method for human activity recognition X Wu, X Xu, W Kaiser, G Pottie
3 Impact forces during running:  loaded questions, sensible outcomes AB Udofa, LJ Ryan, PG Weyand
4 A novel flexible wearable sensor for estimating joint-angles SI Lee, J-F Daneault, L Weydert, P Bonato

1530-1600  PM COFFEE BREAK – Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor
POSTERS – Robertson Auditorium 2 & 3 – 2nd floor
(Presenters are asked to stand by their posters at this time)

1600-1715 (Session Chair:  TBD)

1 HACMAC: A reliable Human ACtivity-based Medium Access Control for implantable body sensor networks VRK Ramachandran, PJM Havinga, N Meratnia
2 Towards a comprehensive power consumption model for wireless sensor nodes M Hesse, M Adams, T Hormann, U Ruckert
3 Towards an open data framework for body sensor networks supporting bluetooth low energy NK Singh, DO Ricke
4 Profiling, modeling, and predicting energy harvesting for self-powered body sensor platforms D Fan, LL Ruiz, J Gong, J Lach                                          

1715-1800  Results of competitions & awards (Hack-a-thon, Ice House Challenge, Best papers)

End of Day 2/End of Technical Program


Friday, 17 June

0800-0900 Continental Breakfast and Coffee
Robertson Auditorium Foyer – 2nd floor

0900-1200  Morning Sessions
Conference Rooms – 2nd floor              

  1. Workshop: Integrating Body Sensing Modalities with Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Environments, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
    Conference Room 3
  1. Workshop:  BSN Student Colloquium
    Presentations of BSN student posters and award session
    Conference Room 1
  1. Tutorial: “Patch Development for capturing body derived data: features explored, lessons learned and optimizing the balance between the technical performance and wear comfort,”
    Holst Centre (Frank Everaerts)
    Conference Room 2
  1. Tutorial: “Energy-efficient design methodologies for wireless body area sensor network in healthcare applications,” University of Cincinnati/University of West Florida (Suryadip Chakraborty)
    Conference Room 4

1200    End of conference